One of my Big Rocks
this year is to become a "connected" principal. One objective toward
this goal is increasing my own digital literacy and use of digital tools
for the benefit of my staff, students, parents, and my own professional
My first step was following Jessica Johnson's and Dwight Carter's blogs along with their staff Friday Focus/Memos. I was inspired to create a Friday
Focus for our school that highlights "staffulty" and students and shares resources,
articles, videos, blogs, or tweets from other educators related to our Big Rocks. My next step was finally joining Twitter after years of encouragement from a very connected teacher, @PaulBogush,
who inspired one of my teachers at a Dialogue 21 Conference so much
with his session that she joined the Twitterverse that weekend and fully
embraced how web 2.0 tools could change her teaching and students'
learning. As a
result of the edchats, the very cool educators I follow, and what I hope
will be a growing PLN, I've decided to embark on the next step in my
digital journey and create a blog. I'd like for this to blog to reflect
my views and thinking as a leader as well as my learning journey.
I am blessed to work in a district that supports technology for learning. BYOD was adopted the year before I arrived; each team has a Google Chrome book cart; and I have an amazing LMS/Tech Ninja (Denise) who is constantly demonstrating ways for students and teachers to integrate technology through co-teaching, modeling, and embedded PD. We also have the privilege of having district Tech Ninjas (Denise and Jeanne) who push our thinking and practice and keep us current. However, in order for transformation to happen, I know that I have to be a digital leader who models the use of social media and other tools to share and encourage learning and to connect with and inform stakeholders about all facets of our school. This means being open to change, taking some risks, and sharing the lessons of the inevitable missteps along the way. I say bring it on!
I am blessed to work in a district that supports technology for learning. BYOD was adopted the year before I arrived; each team has a Google Chrome book cart; and I have an amazing LMS/Tech Ninja (Denise) who is constantly demonstrating ways for students and teachers to integrate technology through co-teaching, modeling, and embedded PD. We also have the privilege of having district Tech Ninjas (Denise and Jeanne) who push our thinking and practice and keep us current. However, in order for transformation to happen, I know that I have to be a digital leader who models the use of social media and other tools to share and encourage learning and to connect with and inform stakeholders about all facets of our school. This means being open to change, taking some risks, and sharing the lessons of the inevitable missteps along the way. I say bring it on!